
Join us for the free FSSC Insights webinar in December as we present about Food Loss & Waste.

Our fourth and final event for 2023 will be held on Wednesday, 06 December, and is an in-depth look at Foundation FSSC's newest Guidance Document – FSSC 22000: Food Loss & Waste. Our host for this webinar is FSSC Marketing & Communications Director Atie van Olst.





Wednesday, 06/12/2023

1 hour


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Keynote speakers joining Atie will be:


Aldin Hilbrands:  FSSC CEO

Aldin serves as Chief Executive Officer and is Chair of the Management Board with FSSC. He joined the organization in 2015 as Technical Director and now holds responsibility for the overall strategy of the Foundation, next to being accountable for the Schemes, the Integrity Program, and the new Learning & Development activities. He actively engages in networks such as the CGF, ISO, and IAF. In the past 25 years, Aldin has worked in various positions ranging from consultancy, training, and auditing/certification to managing brand assurance for own-brand product legality, safety, and sustainability. Most recently, he worked for Royal Ahold Delhaize in a global position accountable for policy setting and compliance of own-brand products with Product Safety, Social Compliance, and Sustainable Seafood requirements. Before this, he worked for SGS as an auditor and international sales manager in the food industry.


Kelly Mulholland:  FSSC Technical Manager Safety & Quality

Kelly-Jade Mulholland is the FSSC Technical Manager for Safety & Quality, reporting to Elsabe Matthee as Technical Director. Kelly brings her extensive background in food safety to the Foundation after working at BSI Group, where she was the Technical & Compliance Manager for Food (Global). While at BSI, Kelly was primarily responsible for assisting with Scheme management, specifically for FSSC 22000 and ISO 22000, competency management, witness auditor, and contract and certification reviewer. She was also a lead auditor for FSSC 22000 and BRCGS. Kelly hopes that her new role with the FSSC Team will make a difference in food safety globally. Her main goal is to continue FSSC's impact and support within the food sector and related industries. She also aims to assist the Foundation in reaching more SMEs through the FSSC Development Program.

Target Audience
This webinar can benefit all involved in food safety management within the consumer goods supply chain, whether currently certified by the FSSC 22000 Scheme or not.

This webinar will be held on Wednesday, 6 December, at 1 pm CEST. The session will run for 1 hour. The recording and presentation slide deck will be emailed automatically to all registered participants.